Brings together young adults for fellowship and spiritual growth, fostering connections across Catholic Churches in the Panama City area.

Young Professional Fellowship

Brings together young adults for fellowship and spiritual growth, fostering connections across Catholic Churches in the Panama City area.
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Brings together young adults for fellowship and spiritual growth, fostering connections across Catholic Churches in the Panama City area.


The Young Professional Fellowship at St. John the Evangelist Church is a vibrant ministry designed to cater to the spiritual and social needs of young adults in the Panama City area. This fellowship provides a platform for young professionals to connect, share experiences, and grow in their faith together, fostering a supportive community that spans across all Catholic Churches in the region.

Purpose & Mission

The primary purpose of the Young Professional Fellowship is to offer young adults a space to explore their faith and develop meaningful relationships with peers who share similar values and life stages. The mission of this fellowship is to nurture spiritual growth, community involvement, and leadership among young Catholic professionals, empowering them to live out their faith actively in their personal and professional lives.

Activities & Services

The Young Professional Fellowship offers a variety of activities and services, including:

  • Social Gatherings: Regular meet-ups, social events, and networking opportunities that allow members to connect and build friendships.
  • Spiritual Development: Group discussions, retreats, and workshops focused on deepening members' understanding of Catholic teachings and how these can be applied in everyday life.
  • Service Projects: Opportunities to engage in community service and outreach programs, reflecting the fellowship's commitment to living out the Gospel through acts of charity and service.

These activities typically occur on a regular basis, providing consistent opportunities for members to engage with the fellowship and each other.

Audience & Beneficiaries

The intended audience for the Young Professional Fellowship includes:

  • Young Adults: Specifically targeting professionals in their 20s and 30s who are looking to integrate their faith with their professional and personal aspirations.
  • Catholic Community: While focused on young professionals, the fellowship also benefits the broader Catholic community in Panama City by fostering a dynamic and engaged group of young adults.

Significance & Impact

The Young Professional Fellowship is crucial for the parish and regional Catholic community as it addresses the unique needs of young adults at critical stages of their careers and personal lives. By providing a faith-based support network, the fellowship helps young professionals navigate the challenges of modern life with spiritual guidance and peer support.

For those interested in joining the Young Professional Fellowship at St. John the Evangelist Church, the next step is to register through the provided link: Join Young Professional Fellowship. This link leads to a GroupMe group, which serves as a primary communication channel for event updates, meeting reminders, and ongoing conversations among members.

Joining the Young Professional Fellowship is an excellent opportunity for young adults to enrich their spiritual life, contribute to the community, and form lasting friendships with like-minded individuals. It is a welcoming space for all young professionals seeking to grow in faith and fellowship.

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