Our Staff
Meet the dedicated staff of St. John the Evangelist Church, committed to guiding you into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Rev. Thomas Kennell
As the Pastor of St. John, I am entrusted with the spiritual care of all who call this parish their home. I am also, in fact, entrusted with the spiritual care of every soul that lives within our parish’s boundaries.
A major part of this care is the administration of the Sacraments of the Church, as largely only the priest is able. This is especially true for the Eucharist, Confessions, and the Anointing of the Sick. I am also bound to pray and even sacrifice for all who are here. The word pastor means “shepherd.” And that encapsulates my ministry.


Charlotte Dickey
Hi my name is Charlotte Dickey. As an employee of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, I serve as the Coordinator of Religious Education. My role - my ministry has blessed me with the honor of walking with families on their journey of faith- whether it be through Baptismal Preparation, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Preparation or just spending time with them on Sundays sharing our love of Jesus and supporting one another as we learn how to live our faith- liturgically.
My favorite Saint is St. Brigid of Ireland. When I read her story about the pagan leader who was dying and how she sat with him and prayed, taking some of the straw from the floor and weaving it into the shape of a cross as she explained the gospels to him. I admired her and wanted to be just like her. I still do.The man did come to faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized before he died. There are many other stories about her that I also enjoyed.
The most fulfilling aspect of my job is hearing the children talk about Jesus and how much I learn from them.

Heather Hanna
As the events Coordinator for St. John's. My favorite Saint was St. Christopher (protector of travelers) since we were living all over the world as a military family. Now I've come to know many saints as my intercessors and call upon different ones as the need arises.
The most fulfilling aspect of my role here in the Parish is that the more I know, the more I realize I don't know, and want to pursue learning.
We have so many beautiful traditions, but my favorite is receiving the Eucharist every week.

Paige Morrone
As the secretary at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, my role is to keep church records and find answers for any questions that come across my desk. I manage the calendar, assist in planning, organize the bulletin, and ensure all requests are addressed. I’m the person behind the phone when you call the front office and the first person you see when you come in the door.
My favorite saint is my patron saint, St. Isabel of Portugal (also called St. Elizabeth of Portugal) because of her compassionate nature and her willingness to care for those in need. St. Isabel is known as a peacemaker, which is what I strive daily to emulate.
My most fulfilling role as secretary is getting to solve problems and find answers to questions that people have. Something about the parish that I wish more people knew is that we have a library located in the parish office that parishioners can use to borrow and leave books.

Lynn Sokoloski
As the Facilities Manager my goal, and the most fulfilling aspect of my role at St. John, is to work quietly in the background to ensure that everything is working properly and looking good to support the Church, staff and greater good.
If you have questions regarding facilities, or have maintenance or housekeeping skills that you would like to share on a project basis, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Nic & Dot Wagner
The Mass is a foretaste of the heavenly liturgy, where the faithful will worship God eternally in the company of the saints.
Schedule & Directions
Mass & Confession Schedule