5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Read this week's bulletin to see the latest from St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.
Dear Parish Family,
From the first reading this weekend, we hear the famous reply of Isaiah to the Lord’s request of somebody being sent in his name: “Send me, I’ll go!” These words typify the hopeful response of each one of us at the Lord’s call and summons, “Let me be the one who makes a difference in this world.” Pope Francis, in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, stated that each one of us should have the attitude and understanding that, “I am a mission on this earth” (273).
We may wonder at times, with reflection on the above, what my mission actually is. I like to remember the words of the prophet Micah, “He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8) Therein lays a basic mission statement, so to speak. We are to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with the Lord. Practically, how is this done? There are many forms, and sometimes we may not be able to participate in some of those things directly by our own person. But there are other ways to show support, to help prop up the mission.
This month marks the beginning of the annual Catholic Sharing Appeal of Bishop Bill. As the video played at the Masses this weekend indicates, the funds raised by us and all members of the various parishes throughout the Diocese, go toward a number of missionary ministries throughout our territory. That is one way we contribute to the mission. Of course, prayer is also foundational. With both, I ask you on behalf of Bishop Bill, to be generous this year so as to help move the mission of the Church in NW Florida forward. Thank you for your past generosity, and thank you in advance for this year’s.
Related, I want to especially thank you all for the record-breaking parish collections during the month of December. That really moved the needle for our needs this year and allows for us to continue to build our parish with new personnel, such as our new Director of Mission Operations, Nick Labrie, and other future hires and ministries. It is only by your generosity that we are able to do things that carry on the mission right here at home. I am beyond grateful.
Another way, of course, to support the mission of the Church is by participating in extraordinary outreach opportunities carried out by the broader Church. Next weekend, I ask you to warmly welcome Fr. Tom Kirchhoefer and consider partnering with Unbound ministries as he presents the needs that they serve.
Please know of my prayers always!
-Fr. Kennell
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opportunities for fellowship.