The Epiphany of the Lord
Read this week's bulletin to see the latest from St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.
Dear Parish Family,
We have turned the calendar over once again. 2025. I feel like we’re starting to get into those years where in decades passed they made movies about this time – so distant! – and things like flying cars were normal. Perhaps it’s not a bad thing that technology moves a little more slowly than we anticipate at times. Can you imagine flying cars? The roads are crazy enough.
Speaking of things, moving slowly, today we celebrate the great Solemnity of Epiphany. We remember and honor the coming of the Magi from the East bringing gifts to the newborn King, Jesus. How did they get there? By following a star... Talk about slow and distant! As you all know well, the light from the stars that we see are thousands to millions of years old. Whatever that star was that the Three Wisemen followed, it was part of a plan long before authored by God. After so much waiting, what a beautiful gift! And it wasn’t gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The Wisemen received the true gift of encountering and adoring the Christ Child.
Very often depth of faith is acquired only after long years of yearning and pining to know intimately our Triune God. It takes patience. It takes perseverance. But the act of faithfully waiting, like we did throughout the Advent season recently concluded, and like we do at times for good things we desire, results in the attainment of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty beyond what we had hoped for. There’s greater strength in these gifts acquired, because of the very fact that they were not easily attained. Sometimes it’s better that things move more slowly than we would like, because then we appreciate them more through greater maturity.
As we are early in our liturgical year and have just started the new calendar year, let’s be ok with things moving slowly. Let’s work diligently to pay attention to where God is leading each of us and our parish throughout this next year. Let’s be committed to prayer. Let’s be committed to virtue. Let’s be committed to love. And overtime, let’s watch the gifts of the Lord unfold and the growth that he will cause.
God bless you. And happy New Year.
-Fr. Kennell
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